Apply here

15 March 2008

NT Solutions is a Cisco, Oracle, NCR, HP, Xerox, Toshiba, IBM and MS soon. Also, ST co. for General Contractors is a sister Co. to NT Solutions.
NT Solutions is a System Integrator, positioning institutional automation, offering ICT infrastructure products and seeking personnel for the following vacancies:
Administrative Division:
-Job Title: Secretary (CODE: ES-01)
Excellent in English language, MS Office, Windows, Internet & Mail ing, Typing Skills.
Gender: Female
- Quality Assurance supervisor (CODE: QA-01)
Past Experience in QA

Technical Support Division:
--Job Title: Technical Support (CODE: TS-01)
Skills: Know in Maintenance Hardware & Software.
N+ , A+ Certificate is a plus.
- Job Title: Network Engineer (CODE: TS-02)
CCNA, MCSA Certificate is a plus.
- Ready to travel abroad
Sales Division:
--Job Title: Sales: (CODE: SD-01)
  • Past Experience in Sales
  • Ready to travel aboard
  • 75% out of Office
  • Own a Car
Editor : (CODE: ED-01)
Editorial skills in English and Arabic and has the skills directing the press, search on internet , photography.
Gender: Female.
- مندوبي تحصيل و توصيل . (CODE OT-01)
- مندوبي مشتريات. (CODE OT-02)
Anyone that interested kindly sends his or her CV to
Fax: 02 377 69 289
Mobile: 010 36 86 401
- Attach your C.V. with your full name & recent photo
- The subjects write the Job Code .

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