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21 January 2008

Web Graphic Designer

Company: Barbari Group
Mailing Address: hr@barbarigroup. com
WebSite: www.barbarigroup. com
Job Title: Web Graphic Designer
Job Description:
- Working in the field of e-commerce.
- Responsible for the design and updates of our e-commerce sites.
- Keeping sites up-to-date with the most elegance, attractive and modern web site styles.
- Will be responsible for the design of brochures, documents and catalogs of the company.
At least one year experience in web design field.
  1. Professional in graphic tools: Photoshop and freehand.
  2. Professional in web design tools: Dreamwaver and flash. (Solid knowledge about html and CSS)
  3. Graduate from applied arts, fine arts or similar field is a plus.
Monthly compensation: Subject to Qualification
Location: Dokki , Egypt
Working hours: 10 am to 6 pm
Days Off: Friday and Saturday

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