Apply here

02 June 2008

Dear all
We are announce a vacancy for sales agent in Alico Egypt

Agent career opportunities

As a professional agent with ALICO, you will have the opportunity to advance and to be recognized for your superior performance.
Your career path may progress as follows:
- You will begin as a Career Agent
- After meeting the qualification requirements, you maybe advanced to the level of senior agent
- After a period of time, and meeting additional requirements, you may be advanced to the level of Executive Agent
- At each level of success, you will be eligible for additional benefits and recognition
- If you so desire, you may, with the approval of Senior Management, be considered for an ALICO Management position having once proven your sales ability.

  1. University Graduates
  2. Excellent communication skills
  3. Dynamic & self motivated
  4. Team player & work oriented
  5. Able to work individual
  6. Able to work under stress
  7. Presentable & good looking
  8. At least tow year experience
  9. Also fresh Graduates are welcomed

If intersted kindly submit your CV to


Best Regards

Ashraf Shoala

Unit Manager (Alico)


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